Stephanie Tanguay OT/L, ATP began her career as an Occupational Therapist with a decade of experience in spinal cord injury and seating & mobility. She also worked as a Rehab Technology Supplier for seven years. She has presented on numerous occasions at ISS, RESNA, CSMC, and ESS and throughout North America. Since 2006 Stephanie has been the Clinical Education Specialist for Motion Concepts, a manufacturer of power seating systems and seat surface and back support products.
Anna Sokol, RN, MN, BScN, BScKin is the Invacare® Matrx® Clinical Education Specialist for Canada. Anna is a Registered Nurse with Emer-
gency, SCI Rehabilitation, Diabetes, and Pediatric Orthopedic experiences.
As a front-line nurse, Anna worked during multiple respiratory outbreaks and provided triage and acute care at the hospital. In the community setting, she was accountable for the infection prevention and control and occupational safety of the rehabilitation clinicians, nurses and unregulated care providers. Based in Canada, Anna has a wealth of experience related to communicable diseases and use of personal protective equipment. During the current
Covid-19 pandemic, she serves as a resource for seating and mobility
partners and answers many questions related to customer and employee safety.